Growing Together 4H Club

4H Proud Equestrian Program
C.H.U.M. sponsors the 4H Proud Equestrian Program (PEP) of Ingham County; Growing Together Equestrians. This club was established in 1984 to help bridge the gap between 4H horse clubs where the members all own or are in care of their horses and the members of the PEP programs who wish to participate outside of the therapeutic riding programs in competition and camaraderie as fellow members of a 4H club.
One of the first of its kind in structure and mission, Growing Together has been utilized as a model for many other states and has even shared its successes at the 2009 International Congress on Therapeutic Riding in Germany. Together with CHUM, they explore the world of equine sports both within specific therapeutic riding classes as well as in 'regular' competition classes of all disciplines.
As our riders move beyond the safety net of the PEP division, many have chosen disciplines such as jumping, dressage, barrel racing, etc to pursue. Their journey started with Michigan 4H PEP and their victories are numerous!Ingham County 4H has been especially helpful in this growth; accepting and even creating classes and opportunities for our riders to 'shine in their own right' in our world of horses. We have classes at many open shows, are our own division within the other divisions/breed sections at fair, participate where appropriate in 'regular' classes such as costume class and medals classes in Showmanship. We have an integrated drill team that opens at least one day of our fair as well as performs at the State 4H Horse Show at Michigan State University!
These families, this 4H family of Growing Together, is truly representative of all 4H was ever meant to be and certainly a grand representation of our youth's potential, regardless of 'how you ride'!Our leaders are trained specifically for this group of members and their unique needs within this amazing area of competition, compassion, and the human animal bond between horse and rider. The Michigan 4H Foundation, sponsors, and those with vision for the future of our youth help with funding for the training of the PEP instructors.