Other Ways to Help
C.H.U.M. Therapeutic Riding Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization able to serve clients immediately.
Funding comes from client’s self-pay and some business advertising dollars which of course are 100% deductible unlike charitable dollars.

Volunteer Info
During riding session:
Volunteers assist with getting horses ready, no experience necessary, prior to class or one-on-one with a client.
During the class the volunteer may assist the rider by working as a horse leader and assisting the rider with control of their horse.
The volunteer may also work as a side walker. This person assists the rider with their position on the horse, provide help with the directions the instructor has given, and in one on one activities on or off the horse.
Behind the scenes:
Volunteers help in so many ways behind the scenes. Some of our volunteers work specifically on special events. They may volunteer specifically from their home on organizational work for fundraisers or making phone calls for special events. Other volunteers work on the maintenance of the arena or help with trailering horses to special events our clients participate in. Volunteers are also needed to work on creating teaching tools and implementing new ideas in the arena facility. This is a great way for the individuals who like to tinker in their garage after work in an effort to unwind to volunteer without committing more time away from home. We need you ‘tinker-ers’.

Wish List
Horse Barn:
Stall exterior doors @ 150.00 ea X 10
Apple pickers @ 30.00 ea X 5
Grain scoops @ 5.00 ea X 4 Done
Vet wrap @ 2.50 ea X 20
Rope leads @ 10.00 ea X 20 Done
First aid supplies (assorted people and horses) about 200.00
2nd cutting alfalfa mix hay X 1500 bales
Outdoor arena fence for 80’ X 160’
Motion/ lights on utility pole
Indoor Arena:
Trailer ties @ 15.00 ea X 10
Industrial extra large load washer dryer
Cleaning supplies (Lysol spray, Clorox wipes, toilet paper etc)
People first aid supplies
Extension (unfinished) 34’ X 128’ @ 50,000.00 approximate
Finished Interior of ext; bthrm, clasrm, etc. @ 60,000.00 approximate additional costs
Matt table
‘Lawyers Bookcase’ (glass front doors on ea shelf)
Folding chairs @ 15.00 ea X 25
Heavy duty push brooms X 4
Motion/lights on north side of arena where horses are
4’ X 5’ mirrors for arena X 4 Done
Bareback pads @ 60.00 X 4
English girths @ 40.00 X 6
Extra heavy felt pads @ 90.00 X 5
Extra large helmets @ 60.00 X 3
Chain leads with 30” chain @ 20.00 X 6
Devonshire boot stirrups @ 60.00 X 4
Large tapidaro stirrups @ 60.00 X 4
Western training ‘french style’ bits @ 35.00 X 2 Done
English Mylar bits level on snaffle @ 65.00 X 4
Horse Trailer:
26’ aluminum stock trailer etc. @ 30,000.00 $15,000 raised so far!
Snow removal equipment:
plow blade salt spreader used ¾ ton truck @ 15,000.00
Sponsor a Horse program @ 100.00/mo
Riderships @ 100.00/mo
100 cup coffee pot @ 100.00
30- 50 cup coffee pot @ 40 to 70.00